On this page is the most netorious criminal minds ever to walk the face of our planet.  We have worked on there cases for many years, in some instances we have yet to conclude what or who the individual is. 

Case 1:  Lyle Lovette

This man, known as a "freak", has been spotted dating the beautifull Julia Roberts.  We know from years of training that a woman like Ms.  Roberts, would never be caught dead with the likes of Mr. Lovette.  So we have concluded that he is using either mind altering drugs or ESP mind control to seduce these women into being with him.

This man is dangerous if you are in the top 10% of good looking women.

Case 2:  The Thylacine

This creature has been seen in the movie Howling 4. Known to be extinct since the 30s, Sightings are still in occourance.

This animal is very dangourus. Be on the lookout for a pair of jaws the size of a whales.

For more info go to:  The thylacine - The original Underdog

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