Breakfast Java Breakfast Java
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Here is how make Breakfast Java your start page

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
    1. Click "View" on menu bar
    2. Click "Options"
    3. Select "Start and Search Pages" tab
    4. Type "" then click "Apply"

  • Netscape Communicator 4.01 and higher
    1. Click "Edit" on menu bar
    2. Click "Preferences"
    3. Click the "Home Page" radio button
    4. In the "Location" text-entry box, enter ""
  • Netscape 3.0
    1. Click "Options" on menu bar
    2. Click "General Preferences..."
    3. Select "Appearance" tab
    4. In the "Startup" section, click the "Home Page Location" button
    5. In the "Startup" section, enter "" in the text-entry box.
  • Netscape 2.0
    1. Click "Options" on menu bar
    2. Click "General Preferences..."
    3. Select "Appearance" tab
    4. Type "" as your "Start With: Home Page Location"
  • Netscape 1.2 and previous versions
    1. Click menu bar "Options"
    2. Click "Preferences..."
    3. Select pull-down menu "Styles"
    4. Type "" as your "Start With: Home Page Location"
    5. Add Multi Search Console to your bookmarks by clicking on menu bar
      "Bookmarks," then click "Add Bookmark."
  • NetCruiser
    1. Click menu bar "Settings"
    2. Click "WWW Options"
    3. Type "" as your "Home Page:"
  • AOL Web Browser:
    1. Add Multi Search Console as your start-up page by clicking "Prefs"
    2. Change Home Page location to ""
  • WebExplorer (OS2 Warp)
    1. Click menu bar "Configure"
    2. Click "Servers"
    3. Type "" as your "Home Document URL"
    4. Click "Load at startup?" checkbox
  • NCSA Mosaic
    1. Click menu bar "Options"
    2. Click "Preferences..."
    3. Select "Document" tab
    4. Type "" as your "Home Page"
  • Spry Mosaic
    1. Click menu bar "Options"
    2. Click "Configuration"
    3. Type "" at the "URL:" prompt
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