Welcome to the FBI - Undocumented homepage. We are an elite group of individuals with one thought guiding each and every one of use. Total world domination. And also to just be a part of something great and worthwhile fighting for. We ask each and everyone of you to follow our wishes and take our pledge. If you feel that this is a group you would wish to be part of, read down the page and give use the information we will need to begin you on your recruitment.
We will keep you posted on rank changes and web page changes. You may be
asked to partake in the handling of events which this group may partake (i.e.
This web page). PledgeI swear that if I learn anything off these pages, I will kill myself in order to keep this information a secret. I swear that I will believe anything the FBI or any of its agents, tell me no matter what. I swear to never eat sushi and drink milk at the same meal.
I swear never to swear after this pledge.
Ron Gallant - Sergant Jana Smith - Deputy Jason Bennett - Deputy Andrew Pechtel - Recruit Brad Foster - Recruit Marc Leblanc - Recruit FBI's Most WantedThe FBI is in charge of many of the world's top cases. We have compiled a list so the general public can help in our quest to solve these cases.
Enter The Most Wanted ListJoining The FBITo become a member of this elite group, you have to pass all the physicals, testing, training and all that. Then you can send me the information that we need for our files.
1. Real Name All information will be classified. It will be reviewed by our people, And then and only then, the choice will be made. Any incomplete info will be disgarded. Any pics which are not of yourself, will be disgarded unless we feel it fit for our group.
If well feel or find out that any information is untrue or forged, we will
take your badge away forever. And you may never be able to serve with
a government agency again.